Up until I got pregnant I was at my heaviest 180lbs. When I got pregnant, of coarse I was telling myself, "I hope I never go over 200lbs!" Well I did and getting that weight off after I had my baby was on my mind during my last month.
Little did I know, after 33 hours of labor with my son, I was only 3 cm and I had to have a c-section. This makes recovery time longer. So my weight loss would have to wait. Breast feeding helped a lot, I actually lost a lot of my weight within the first month but it still wasn't enough.
After returning to work and recovering, two months after delivery I was getting back into working out. I was on a good path slowly easing my way into it. Then all of a sudden I was getting back pains at night. I thought it was a side affect from the epidural so I would take Tylenol and put Icy Hot on and it would go away. When my son turned three months, I woke up with pain that felt like back labor and this time it would not go away. After three hours of pain I finally went to the ER.
When I got there I could barely walk. It was 4am and I told them it feels like back labor and it has lasted for three hours and it's getting worse. The nurse saw my baby and asked how old, when I answered with three months, he immediately said it's probably your gall bladder. I was shocked when they finished with all the testing and
Told me I was completely blocked with gall stones and sludge (bile) and I needed to have my gall bladder removed.
So after two major surgeries, six months after I had my baby and three months after my gall bladder surgery, I have gained weight. I stopped breast feeding at three months and was not able to lift anything for one month after my gall bladder surgery and still until now, I was not comfortable with working out because my four holes, yes four, were still healing!
Now I am ready to get rid of the weight once and for all. I'm still doing my homework on how exactly I'm going to accomplish this but I am hopeful. I am also wishing if all of you can help support me and encourage me because this has always been hard for me to do on my own. Thank you for taking the time to read my story. Maybe some of you can relate but I feel like this journey will have better results if I get everything off my chest and out in the open. Until tomorrow ladies and gentleman!
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