Friday, August 21, 2015

Getting Rid of the Stuff

I cannot express enough on how therapeutic it is to get rid of things. I am in the process of de-cluttering my life and the one thing that was driving me crazy was my clothes. My closet and drawers would be over flowing but nothing would fit me. When I got pregnant, I decided I would get maternity clothes (obviously) but I didn't want to get rid of anything for when I lost the baby weight. In return, I collected clothes of all sizes and it has just been very hard on my self esteem to try on clothes that I want to wear but they don't fit. 

Yesterday I took the time to go through these clothes and get rid of anything that was too small or too big. I would rather be comfortable than self conscious. I got rid of 2 bags to Goodwill and 2 more to my nieces. 

Let me tell ya, it felt pretty Damn good! I know I will be getting rid of more as I keep loosing but it's a great start and my closet isn't so cluttered anymore. I did see something on Pinterest about de-cluttering your house in 52 weeks. I might have to give that a try. Sounds like a project I am willing to take on. Let's de-clutter together! 

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